Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Fiction "Pop"

Korman, Gordon. Pop. New York: Balzer & Bray, 2009. Print.
A boy named Marcus moved from a small town where he was the quarterback, football star to a big town where the team was a close knit group and had a perfect season last year. Marcus met this man randomly at the park who turned out to be an NFL veteran know for good hits. This veteran named Charlie happened to be the quarterbacks dad in the new town. Marcus moved from quarterback to defense. Marcus learns that Charlie has alzhiemers disease from all of the hits he took in football and that's why his kids had to take such close care of him.
I thought this piece fit well with my topic, it was about injuries in sports. But this book talked about injuries that were recieved many years after the sport was played. So even if you are safe while playing the sport and never get injured there you may still end up with injuries, or in this case alzheimers when you grow old. Which is another reason why people need to take prevention of injuries seriously now, because if Charlie Popvich had alzhiemers imgaine what other athletes who are getting injured during the game could end up with.  

"Marcus exhaled sharply....witha fourteen-year career."

I found this passage suprising and interesting because it is about Marcus finding out the buddy he made down at the park was a professional football player. Any person finding out they have been hanging out with a professional athlete is pretty exciting. This passage also surprised me because Marcus didn't ever expect anything of his athletic ablitiy, he wanted to learn more about Charlie and why he was so important to the town because of how his kids treated him and kept such a close eye on him. This passgae lead to the rest of the book of Marcus finding out Charlie had Alzhiemers and understanding why the kids kept such a close eye on Charlie.

Most poeple on rated this book 3 stars, so an average book. They thought it was a good read but for the age level it was written for the children reading the book were being exposed to too much sexual content and alcoholic parties.

Barnes and Noble reviewers said it was a 5 star book. They enjoyed this book because it teaches a teenager how to get through problems, and there are unpredictable twist in the plot and you can never expect what is going to happen next. They said this book supports friendship, sports and bravery.


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